Oh hello! You’re one of those rare people who like to read the Policy Page on a website. Welcome to you!
This is one of those necessary pages to have on a website when you collect emails or data for analytics. So here’s what I plan to do with your information, summed up in 3 lines:
1. Your email address and name is collected via the subscribe form so I can send you emails, as promised. Your info is kept safe within my email newsletter account and won’t be shared with anyone else.
2. I collect anonymous data from my website visitors via my Google Analytics account – just to see how many people visit the website and other geeky information like, how long people stay on a page on average and whether one country likes my products more than another…
3. And finally, I have retargeting codes on the website in case I’d like to create adverts of my products via Google Ads, Facebook or Instagram, to people who have previously visited my website.
Visitors can opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Ads Preference Manager or visitors can opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.
Bonus picture, to spruce up this boring page: